Starts 13 March

POLLUX full program 350 euro.

Permanent change comes only through self awareness.

Whatever you are facing, depression, anxiety, uncertainty, loneliness, fear, insomnia, financial problems, or lack of inspiration, of direction, of purpose, you may heal this only if you are aware of the root cause of your problem, if you know yourself deeply.

This brings you in contact with your spiritual self and you may open doors that will show you your Higher Purpose. However pragmatic your problems may seem, their root cause lies in the quality of your spiritual connection and in your lack of awareness of the underlying plan of your life.

According to Pythagoras, the Great Spiritual Teacher, we all have a Purpose and Plan, and that can be seen through the Spiritual Sciences.

Arithmosophy, literally meaning the Wisdom of Numbers in Greek, is the Spiritual Science of Self Knowledge. It can show you who you are, what you are here to do, when you will have the opportunity to do it, who you will become when you reach about the age of 49 years old, what your soul desires, what you need to cultivate for a balanced life, and what your Soul’s subtler Mission is.

POLLUX is truly the most potent way to shine light on your path and get the energy to manifest your heart’s desires, your Purpose.


 POLLUX, a journey within

It includes:

5 live online workshops of 2 hours each

The first part of each workshop will help you discover your Purpose and know yourself deeply. All false goals set by society, family, will drop off and you will have a clear view of who you are and what you want.

The second part of each workshop will include purification techniques that will clean your aura of all inner obstacles that limit you and prevent you from attracting what you want, and visualizations that will show you your heart’s desires and energize your goals for quick manifestation.

The 5th workshop will include the Synthesis of all your new self knowledge into a concrete plan.


All your arithmosophy calculations will be done for you and emailed to you before the beginning of the Pollux Program. 

You will receive a workbook for your online notes.


You will receive a 7 minute audio for daily practice that will help you maintain your high vibration. This is something that you can use always, even after the end of the Program, and it can help you attain inner peace and happiness. 

You will receive the recording of each workshop the next day. 

You will have access to Heart to Crown, an online exclusive group where you will have free videos on how to heal relationships, finances, maintain etheric hygiene, and have meditations and spiritual short lectures, and where all seminars, workshops and Private Healing and Guidance Services are available.


All workshops will take place online on Tuesdays and Thursdays. There will be morning and evening sessions available, at the following times: 

Morning session 11 am NY EST, or 5 pm Rome CET, or 6pm Athens EET, or 8:30pm Mumbai IST

Evening session: 5pm Los Angeles PST, or 8pm NY EST. 

Analytically, the workshops will be:

Workshop #1

Thursday March 13 

The 5 major numbers of arithmosophy interpreted at a spiritual level, yet seen as they play out in your lives’ events.


Your Life Path number is your path of least resistance, who you are throughout your life..


Your Soul’s number shows the inner atmosphere that your Soul craves for and the higher impulses that make you happy.


Your Personality number,shows the face you show to the world and the part of you that you are striving to complete for a higher purpose.


Your Purpose number shows your destiny, what you are here to do. Whether you do it or not is up to you, yet your life is designed for this purpose and all attempts in other paths either lead to this or to frustration.

Your Attainment number shows who you will become after the age of 49 when 7 cycles of life have been completed and you will change profoundly. This is when life acquires more meaning and depth and your purpose begins to manifest.

Workshop #2

Tuesday March 18

Pythagoras’ Arrows.

These show our character. Through this priceless workshop you will discover which quality or attitude you need to cultivate for a life of balance and happiness. This method contains a treasure of information on how to heal our relationships with others.

Workshop #3

Thursday March 20 

Personal Year

In this workshop you will discover where you are at in your current 9 year cycle. You will see your life in perspective and understand the many areas of life that need to be in balance for a happy and prosperous life, and see how each year addresses one of these. This will also give you a lot of information on when and how to start and grow your business.

Workshop #4

Tuesday March 25 

Your Soul’s Mission – Your Labor of Hercules

This beautiful workshop will show you who we really are, what we are here for as human beings. You will discover your Soul’s Mission, a Mission that is always multi leveled, on its highest level speaks of subtle attainment and spiritual growth.

Workshop #5

Thursday March 27 


In this workshop you will synthesize what you have learned and bring your life’s puzzle into completion. You will then be guided into forming a plan, setting new goals that are according to your true desires and wishes.

As in all workshops we will have the energy work part that will help you purify, heal and manifest quickly.

POLLUX is a super successful program that will change your life.


Evita Myriam, a Purpose coach, and her expertise in Pranic Healing, Pranic Psychotherapy, Pranic Crystal Healing, Spiritual Business Management, Pranic Feng Shui, Vastu and other Spiritual Sciences, in a powerful combination to her discoveries of Esoteric Arithmosophy and her extensive knowledge of numerology, will help you make the transformation that your heart desires.

POLLUX is a powerhouse that will propel you to the life of your dreams in the most natural way.

Through awareness, deep understanding of who you are and what your Higher Purpose is, of your current phase and challenges, and through energy healings that will remove all your inner obstacles and replace the dirty energies of doubt, fear, anxiety, trauma, depression and low self esteem with inner peace, love, faith, joy and self appreciation.

The arithmosophy of 2025 shows that humanity will love, and that it will attain self acceptance.

Be part of that change, love yourself and release all past failures and doubts through this powerful Program that will show you that you are a divine being of tremendous brilliance, love, compassion, intelligence and beauty. You are the Soul. 




POLLUX, full program 350 euro

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