Evita Myriam is an expert arithmosopher. She has discovered a series of simple yet astounding mathematical Proofs based on an ancient Arithmosophy method, that demonstrate the veracity of Pythagoras’ Teachings of a Purpose and Plan for us all through the numbers of our name and birth, the presence of Divine Design in all things, the existence of the Angelic Kingdom and the Proof of Origin of sacred systems and texts among other discoveries.


You can use the one hour of the One on One online meeting with her in the following ways:

Receive a full arithmosophy reading based on your full name at your birth certificate and on your birthdate. If this is what you wish then you need to purchase the product and then email Evita Myriam at evitamyriam@hotmail.com with the above information.

This Arithmosophy reading includes: Your 5 main numbers, Life Path, Soul, Personality, “Destiny” or Purpose, and Attainment.

Your 4 major life cycles, their positive forces and challenges and how to neutralize the challenges.

Your Pythagoras’ arrows, that show the main composition of your character and can help you become aware of the changes in you that may bring you a more balanced life.

Your Timetable of Events. This shows the qualities of the events of each year of your life, (how you respond to the events is up to you). The Timetable of Events is offered only if your information is emailed in advance as suggested above.

During the session you will receive guidance if requested, and answers to your questions concerning any area of life.


The focus of your reading may be on finding your Purpose, or about relationships, finding the ideal name, business healing and Pranic Feng Shui.

Evita Myriam can help you with Major Moves and changes in your life, that is her expertise. She can save you from starting a business at the wrong time of the year, and can give you advise that has proven golden for her clients on the right dates, giving you the windows of opportunity that open up ahead for you, and in combination with the windows of your other family members so that any move will be made at the right time.

Besides Timing, Evita Myriam can help you find the ideal location for any move or enterprise, based on information related to the time of your birth. If you do not know the time, the date will suffice for safe decisions.

Pranic Feng Shui is the only way to select a home or office. If your home or office does not have the directions that energize it, it will take a lot of good luck to not have great losses in the long run.

Most homes and workspaces can have their Feng Shui healed, altered, with simple techniques. Evita Myriam can help you turn your home or business into a heaven for yourself and your clients and employees. A profitable and energetically fresh space for all.

Business Alchemy, the healing of your business or its optimization is the application of the spiritual sciences, of which Evita Myriam is an expert. Besides Pranic Feng Shui and the Science of Timing and Cycles, there are many other factors that make a business thrive.

Taking advantage of your windows of opportunity, packaging, your logo, and more, are part of this science.

Most businesses have logos and packaging in their products that are counter productive, as the owners are unaware of the symbols and colors that are auspicious and produce prosperity energy.

Evita Myriam is an expert in helping your business take off in many ways.

Another way to do this is through the assessment of your employees through Arithmosophy. Often the wrong person is in the wrong position. Through Arithmosophy all strengths and vulnerabilities are made visible, there is a great distinction between those who are fit for leading positions, creative posts, assistants.

During this one hour meeting you will receive a great deal of information. For more extensive work, please go to the Services we provide that offer packages for each service


One On One    1 hour 15 min private session with recording 330 euro

May include full arithmosophy reading or any type of guidance described above.