Business Alchemy

There are Inner Laws, Laws of Nature that govern all things. Time has qualities, colors have properties, directions have forces. If we follow the Natural Law we can create a dream business.


One 75 minute meeting on Zoom                        330 euro

Two 75 minute meetings on Zoom                      550 euro

1 month of guidance (8 hours on Zoom)*.     2060 euro

*This service can be modified to suit your needs, and instead of 8 hours on Zoom be short daily guidance through texting and email.

Payment Plan available. Pleasse contact me at

There are Inner Laws, Laws of Nature that govern all things. Time has qualities, colors have properties, directions have forces.

If we follow the Natural Law we can create a dream business. Nothing can block the success of a business (if you also put the right amount of work to it) that has been registered at the right date, has the right name, right logo, right packaging, right Pranic Feng Shui, has signed its contracts in the right windows of opportunity and has its employees seated towards the right direction.

I can help heal your business or help you renew the existing one through my expertise in many of the Spiritual Sciences.





The success of your business depends greatly upon your effort, leadership skills and upon karmic factors. If your business does not possess the right ingredients for success you may still succeed based on your skills, yet it is unlikely that your success will last if you have the wrong directions and timing. Evita Myriam and her business Evangelia Myrianthopoulou, Alternative Healing, Seminars and Sales of Books cannot be held accountable for any financial losses or the lack of growth of your business.

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