In Esoteric Arithmosophy, May has always the same esoteric number as every April.
This year May 2023 is 6776
Other names and words with the number 6776 (from Greek and English calculations which bring similar or related potencies) are :
April 2023 (see what started in April)
Archon Gabriel (books, prosperity)
Blessings by the Master
Siddhart Gautama (compassion, love/wisdom, Wesak)
Paramahansa (Sainthood)
Chohan Paul the Venetian (art)
Kuthumi Lal Singh (love)
Apollonian Unit ( a human being)
Gemini Constellation (spreading knowledge, also the 5 tests of Gemini, failing at
listening to the Soul’s guidance, overcoming the glamours, leaving the false teacher,
healing the liver’s negative emotions through the care of another, and carrying the
work of the Master) Sagittarius Constellation (going straight to the target, mental tests, silence, 3rd Inititation)
Ashram of Lord Serapis (healing, wisdom)
Water lily (lotus, symbol of the crown chakra)
Outcome of December for the USA ( whatever started in December will manifest its
outcome during this month in some way).
In the Cycles according to Alice Bailey May 2023 is the mark of a new 9 year cycle of Tension/ Expansion during which the Divine Plan will expand what consolidated in the past 9 year cycle.
Yet, parallel to that, we enter a 3 year cycle of Crisis/ Consolidation, and also enter the first year of this cycle, which is a year of Crisis/ Consolidation, which means that
the energy of this year and until Wesak 2024 requires that “you lay your emphasis upon the activity of the manifesting princiiple, using that which appears and with which you have to work” (A. A. Bailey). The keynote of this year’s work is consolidation.
Yet from the point of view of the Spiritual Hierarchy, the energies of expansion are present, in this 9 year cycle, and the Plan of this cycle is known only to the Holy Masters.
Thinking positively, as we should, we may assume that humanity may undergo further crises which will awaken it to its true needs for peace, harmony, justice, love and prosperity for all.
May is the month of Wesak, of the date by which the Spiritual Hierarchy mark the beginning of the New Spiritual Year.
On Wesak whether we remember everything or not, during meditation we receive divine guidance for the coming year, and no thought is random. Every experience,
sensation, vision, sound, symbol should be recorded and we may use this as reference throughout the entire year.
Since this is the day during which we are seen by our Teacher, we also receive blessings, are given tasks and have our wishes granted.
No wonder that in English “May” is the wish fulfilling word.
The soul tests us during May in matters related to sex and material things.
This particular Wesak has the same esoteric number as the Sagittarius constellation therefore it also brings mental tests, and we must demonstrate a disciplined mind,
think positively about ourselves and others, control our speech, not gossip, not brag about ourselves and not throw pearls to the swine by sharing knowledge to the non aspirant.
Mind control relates to the Third Initiation.
We must turn our lives around by planting seeds of positive thoughts of love, joy, success, spirituality and by practicing the awareness that thought manifests as our circumstances.
We need to attain Inner Silence and use the mantra OM to purify our home and aura.
We go straight to the target.
I wish you a loving, pure and joyful Wesak, a prosperous and fruitful year, according to the Divine Plan for you, according to your heart’s desires!